Friday, November 14, 2008

Don't give up, Keep knocking

My friend we have seen an powerful move of God in the election of Barak Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America. There is no doubt in my mind that God was in the details of the everything that happened. The world says that the devil is in the details. God is in the details of our lives. He has designed the specifics of the Obama ascension to U.S. leadership. Did you know that President Elect Obama attempted to get into the Democratic National Convention in 2000 and could not get in. He was denied access into the hall (not because he was black, I don't think). However, does this sound familiar? How many other blacks throughout the history of this country were denied access? So many blacks have tried to get into theaters, restaurants, stadiums, schools and companies, and were denied access. But we as a people never gave up. We are not quitters. Four years later, in 2004 then Senator Obama was not only invited to the Democratic National Convention but he was invited to speak. This is when America was formally introduced to Barak Obama. How did a man who couldn't get into convention in 2000 become a speaker four years later. That was God in the details. Sometimes we've got to keep knocking at the door of opportunity. I'm glad he didn't give up. I'm glad that he didn't get discouraged just because he didn't get in the first time. The message is keep knocking, keep going, keep pressing. Thanks President Elect Obama for not quitting. You are a great example of endurance and tenacity to alot of people. Until next time....

1 comment:

Joe said...


Thank you for blogging and sharing your knowledge and gifts online. Secondly that was very encouraging. If President-elect Barack Obama was able to keep knocking and pressed towards his goals so can anyone else if they Keep God first and work hard.

Thank you for blogging.
